Moon Phantoms (2009)

Moon Phantoms to projekt będący efektem współpracy zespołów Bardo Pond i japońskiej grupy Suishou No Fune. Podczas wspólnego koncertowania na wschodnim wybrzeżu Stanów wpadli na pomysł, że jeszcze ciekawiej będzie zarejestrować muzykę zagraną w tym składzie. I tak powstał ten album, swoiste jam session zainspirowane towarzyszącym im podczas trasy księżycem w pełni, dźwięki mocno osadzone rzecz jasna w typowych psychodelicznych klimatach spod znaku Bardo Pond.

Moon Phantoms are a collaboration between Bardo Pond (resp. side-project Alasehir) and Suishou No Fune from Japan. Once they toured the US East Coast and decided it would be fun to record a session together in Spring 2008. Their eponymous album (2009, Important Records) is consisting of long, trippy, hallucinogenic jams with the focus on guitar explorations. (progarchives)

"We Suishou No Fune and Alasehir played in East Coast tour of one week together again in the autumn, 2007. During the autumn concert tour, we had felt like that Moon always chased us. I started to look for where the moon was unawares when we visited each town. I have strongly remembered that the moon was full and very clear cut one night in Boston. The night was very pleasant and let us relax. Michael, John and Jason had a good conversation comfortably, looking at the moon. Kageo and myself also enjoyed the night to be just eased under the moonlight. I believed that we, Suishou No Fune and Alasehir could be one band under this special moonlight. The next day, I spoke my wish to perform music in one band to the members and we, all fall in each other in Providence. Therefore, the Japanese and American band named Moon Phantoms based on the concert tour with the full moon. And Moon Phantoms made the concert tour in the East Coast of the U.S.A. and had recording in Spring, 2008. Then we made this album." (Pirako Kurenai/Suishou No Fune)

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