Ennio Morricone - Veruschka (1971) [OST]

Większość czytelników widziała zapewne film Antonioniego "Powiększenie" (Blow Up). Jest tam kilka scen z ikoną świata mody końca lat sześćdziesiątych - Veruschką, które należą do jednych z najbardziej znanych w historii kina i nic dziwnego. Zapadają w pamięć ponieważ są swoistym dziełem sztuki i nie chodzi li tylko o urodę modelki. Być może jest wiele urokliwych modelek - nie znam się na tym. Sedno tkwi nie w materiale, ale w jakich "rękach" się znajdzie. A Veruschka znalazła się w rękach nie byle kogo - Antonioni, Morricone i inni. Potrafili oni wydobyć jakąś niesamowitą plastyczność urody swojej modelki i wkomponować to w swoje dzieła. W nich własnie Varuschka wciąż żyje.

Vera (Veruschka) Gottliebe Anna Gräfin von Lehndorff urodziła się 14 maja 1939 w Królewcu (Kaliningrad) w rodzinie szlacheckiej pochodzącej z Prus Wschodnich. Jej ojciec, hrabia Heinrich Graf von Lehndorff-Steinort, był zaangażowany w nieudany zamach na Hitlera 20 lipca 1944 w Wilczym Szańcu i został stracony. Matka trafiła do obozu pracy.Po wojnie dorastała z matką i trzema siostrami w obozach dla uchodźców i u znajomych. W latach 60. dzięki wzrostowi 1.86cm zaczęła robić karierę fotomodelki we Florencji pod imieniem Veruschka. Została pierwszą niemiecką "supermodelką".Jej filmowym debiutem był film z 1966 w reżyserii Michelangelo Antonioniego Powiększenie, w którym zagrała modelkę pod swoim pseudonimem. Veruschka była chyba pierwszą modelką, którą fotografowano z "bodypaintingiem". Prezentowane zdjęcia to powrót do korzeni. Przepiękna kobieta umiejąca oddać na zdjęciach swoją osobowość.

Veruschka in Africa with Peter Beard

Veruschka was born in 1939 in East Prussia as Countess Vera Gottliebe Anna von Lehndorff-Steinort. For a short time, she enjoyed a wealthy lifestyle residing in East Prussia in a 100-room house on an enormous estate that had been in her family for centuries. Her mother was the former Countess Gottliebe von Kalnein (b. 1913). Her father was a German nobleman and army reserve officer who became a key member of the German Resistance after witnessing Jewish children being beaten and killed.


When Veruschka was five years old, Heinrich Graf von Lehndorff-Steinort was executed for attempting to assassinate Adolf Hitler in the July 20 Plot. After his death, the remaining family members spent their times in labor camps until the end of World War II. By the end of the war, her family was left homeless. As a young girl, she attended 13 schools. Her traumatic childhood experiences later triggered heavy depression in 1974. She has three sisters: Marie Eleanore "Nona" (b. 1937, married Jan van Haeften and Wolf Siegfried Wagner, son of Wieland Wagner and grandson of composer Richard Wagner), Gabriele (b. 1942, married Armin, Edler Herr und Freiherr von Plotho), and Katharina (b. 1944, married Henrik Kappelhoff-Wulff).

She studied art in Hamburg and then moved to Florence, where she was discovered at age 20 by the photographer Ugo Mulas and became a full-time model. Back then tall models were not considered desirable in Paris, but there she met Eileen Ford, head of the prestigious Ford Modeling Agency. In 1961, she moved to New York City, but she did not score any bookings. To stand out, she returned to Munich and told people that she was really from Russia and changed her name to create a mysterious persona, which earned her many bookings. She had also garnered attention when she made a brief yet powerful five minute appearance in the cult film Blowup by Michelangelo Antonioni in 1966 (Premiere named the scene the sexiest scene in film history despite the fact that there was no nudity).

In the same year, she did her first shoot wearing nothing but body paint, which she would continue to do for years. She once worked with Salvador Dalí and photographer Peter Beard, who took her to Kenya, where she painted herself with black shoe polish to resemble surreal plants and animals in an attempt to "go native". At her peak, she earned as much as $10,000 a day.

In 1975, however, she departed from the fashion industry due to disagreements with Grace Mirabella, the newly appointed editor-in-chief of Vogue, who wanted to change her image to make it more relatable and approachable to average women. In 1985, she entered the art world, putting on a body-painting show in Tribeca; on her naked body, she was painted with different outfits transforming her into wild animals and several archetypes, such as film stars, dandies, gangsters, and dirty old men. Occasionally, she still appears on catwalks, for example, as a guest model in the Melbourne Fashion Festival in 2000 in Australia. (wikipedia)

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