Irmin Schmidt - Filmmusik Anthology Volume 4 & 5 (2009)

Dwupłytowy album Irmina Schmidta zawiera wybór jego kompozycji użytych jako ścieżki dźwiękowe w filmach telewizyjnych oraz kinowych z ostatnich kilkunastu lat. Antologia ta to kolejny wgląd w twórczość Schmidta jako kompozytora interesującej muzyki filmowej, prezentujący szereg zróżnicowanych i nastrojowych pejzaży muzycznych.

Founder of the legendary German rock group Can, Irmin Schmidt has been writing music for films for over 40 years, and as a trained pianist, composer and conductor, has roots in classical music, jazz, and of course in rock music.

This double CD release, Filmmusik Anthology Vol 4&5, follows 1994's Anthology Soundtracks 1978-1993 and contains a selection of Schmidt's works over the last 10 years for 20 different films for both the big screen and television. The anthology includes tracks from the critically acclaimed German TV series Bloch and Tatort and the award winning film Schneeland.

These pieces of music are a fascinating insight into the art of film score music from a veteran who has honed his craft masterfully over the years as well as being a wonderful album to just sit, relax and enjoy.

Filmmusik Anthology Vol. 4&5 also includes eight tracks from the original score of the latest Wim Wenders film, Palermo Shooting, which premiered in the Official Selection of the Cannes film festival 2008. (recordstore)

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1 komentarz:

  1. Anonimowy11/2/11

    nice, a classy post.. thank you, yoshi in canada, where it's ccccold!!
