GG Allin - Shit Sprayin' Classics (2001)

O tym kto jest najbardziej wykręconą postacią w historii rocka lepiej nie dyskutować. Każdy ma na ten temat własne zdanie i własne kryteria oceny owego "wykręcenia". Jednak każdy się chyba zgodzi, że w "wykręcone" postaci rock`n`roll obfituje bardziej niż jakikolwiek inny gatunek muzyki. Czy znacie jednak kogoś kto swoim stylem bycia i podejściem do scenicznego show byłby w stanie swą kreatywnością przebić pana GG Allina?

Z jakiegoś dziwnego powodu większość obrazoburczych oszołomów pochodzi z konserwatywnych, bogobojnych rodzin. I tak też było w przypadku tego muzyka. Nawiedzony ojciec chłopca miał wizję - we śnie objawił mu się sam Zbawca, który obwieścił, że oto nowonarodzone dziecko będzie doskonałą, silną i naznaczoną przez Pana istotą. Dumny tata postanowił ochrzcić swego potomka imieniem Jezus Chrystus Allin. Dla najbliższych - GG.

Dopiero po rozwodzie rodziców i pozbyciu się balastu w postaci tyranizującego familię ojca, GG zaczął nieśmiało pokazywać mroczną stronę swojej natury. Zaczęło się niewinnie: najpierw, za złe zachowanie, został wydalony ze szkoły i przeniesiony do placówki wyspecjalizowanej w kształceniu nieco trudniejszej młodzieży. Później do jednego z klasowych zdjęć Allin przebrał się za dziewczynkę, co nie do końca spodobało się nauczycielom. Na boku kradł, sprzedawał narkotyki i ciężko pracował na opinię "złego chłopca". W dalszym jednak ciągu nie wyróżniał się swoim zachowaniem z tłumu innych niesfornych małolatów. I podobnie jak inni zbuntowani młodzieńcy zakładał garażowe zespoły. Z jednym z nich wystąpił nawet w szkole. W tamtym czasie jedynym szokującym scenicznym popisem GG było zniszczenie szkolnej dekoracji. Aż włos się jeży...

Pierwszym znaczącym zespołem Allina był The Jabbers - kapela wyraźnie nawiązująca do dokonań Iggy`ego Popa i klasyków punk rocka. W międzyczasie muzyk wziął ślub i dorobił się córki. I tu by się burzliwe lata kariery muzyka zakończyły, gdybyśmy tylko mieli do czynienia z każdym innym rock`n`rollowcem. Wkrótce małżeństwo się rozpadło, a Allin zaczął prowadzać się z nastoletnią dziewczynką.

GG angażował się w kolejne muzyczne projekty: The Texas Nazis, The Cedar Street Sluts czy The Scumfucs. Z tym ostatnim nagrał nawet dwa albumy. Oto pełna lista utworów z płyty "Eat my fuc" z 1987 roku.

"Hard Candy Cock", "Out for Blood", "I Don''t Give a Shit", "Drink, Fight, and Fuck", "Convulsions", "I Wanna Fuck Your Brains Out", "I Want to Rape You", "Teacher''s Pet", "Fuckin' the Dog", "Cock on the Loose", "Clit Licker", "God of Fire in Hell", "Blow Jobs"- Tytuły mówią chyba wystarczająco dużo?

Jak przystało na każdego prawdziwego punka, Allin nie odmawiał sobie alkoholu i wszelkiego rodzaju środków psychoaktywnych. A brał wszystko co wpadło mu w ręce. Anegdoty mówią, że łykał podane mu tabletki bez pytania co właśnie zażywa. Z czasem uzależnił się też od heroiny. Taka mieszanka wszelkiej maści substancji, które aplikował sobie muzyk, nie mogła pozostać obojętna dla psychicznej kondycji GG. Wraz z uzależnieniami przyszedł okres najbardziej "kreatywnych" lat Allina.

Aby wzmocnić swój outsiderski wizerunek artysta przestał się myć. Oprócz wizerunku wzmocniła się też woń unosząca się w promieniu kilku metrów od muzyka. Prawdziwy przełom nastąpił jednak na scenie. Allin do klasycznego elementu rockowych koncertów dodał kilka własnych elementów. Z dziką przyjemnością zdzierał z siebie śmierdzące ciuchy i występował całkiem nago. Stałym elementem jego popisów było samookaleczanie się poprzez energiczne uderzanie mikrofonem w głowę. W ten sposób piosenkarz pozbył się kilku przednich zębów. Niejednokrotnie też usiłował wepchnąć sobie tenże mikrofon do odbytu...Gwoździem programu artysty była defekacja, obsmarowywanie się fekaliami, ewentualnie obrzucanie nimi publiczności. Aby ułatwić sobie ten numer, artysta zażywał przed występem ogromne ilości środków przeczyszczających. Koncerty zespołu kończyły się najczęściej po kilkunastu minutach od wejścia kapeli na scenę. Do tego czasu, zakrwawiony i uświniony własnymi wydzielinami, muzyk zdołał kogoś obrazić, pobić lub w inny sposób złamać któryś z artykułów amerykańskiego prawa. Najszybciej interweniowali właściciele lokali, w których grupa Allina występowała. Jednak najczęściej impreza kończyła się wraz ze wkroczeniem na salę policji, która rozganiała podekscytowanych fanów i aresztowała energicznego muzyka...bądź przewoziła go na oddział intensywnej terapii, gdzie lekarze zbierali połamanego piosenkarza do kupy.Tak więc GG stał się wyjątkowo częstym gościem komisariatów i tymczasowych aresztów, do których trafił prawie czterdzieści razy. "Zrobiliśmy sobie tournee. Byłem aresztowany w Dalton, Georgii, następnie w Colorado, na Florydzie(...), Houston, no i w Texasie". Artysta znalazł sobie nowe hobby – zaczął interesować się słynnymi mordercami i śledził ich biografie. Z jednym z nich nawet się spotkał. Przebywający w więzieniu zabójca trzydziestu młodych mężczyzn, John Wayne Gacy, uznał Allina za dobrego, aczkolwiek wyjątkowo śmierdzącego, człowieka. Kolejne konflikty z prawem i opinia szaleńca wisząca nad artystą zdawały się jedynie podkręcać ego GG. Wkrótce uznał się za mesjasza najprawdziwszego rock`n`rolla i opublikował swoje poglądy w formie manifestu. "Kiedy urodziłem się w 1956 roku rock`n`roll dopiero powstawał. Jak myślicie, czemu tak było? Bo to ja go stworzyłem. To ja stworzyłem Elvisa. Ja byłem tą siłą twórczą. Nawet zanim przyszedłem na świat – już to tworzyłem. Ale przez te wszystkie lata ludzie pozwolili rock`n`rollowi odejść. Teraz jestem gotowy aby go przywrócić.(...)" - fragment manifestu Allina. Swoje mesjanistyczne przesłania muzyk coraz częściej wygłaszał w formie monologów, które przemycał pomiędzy kolejnymi utworami podczas koncertów, a także na swych kolejnych albumach, na płycie nagranej wraz z grupą ANTiSEEN.

Do rockowych historii przeszły też słynne samobójcze próby artysty. Kilkakrotnie przesuwał termin swego samounicestwienia na scenie, ponieważ za każdym razem kiedy "ten dzień" miał nadejść GG, z jakiegoś powodu, trafiał za kratki... Jednym ze słynniejszych powodów był gwałt i znęcanie się nad kobietą – muzyk okaleczył ją nożem, pił jej krew i przypalał ciało. Allin bronił się twierdząc, że poszkodowana zgodziła się na takie traktowanie.

Niestety, GG zmarł w mało spektakularny sposób. Po jednym z (jak zwykle) zakończonych przed czasem koncertów w Nowym Yorku nagi i zakrwawiony artysta opuścił wraz z fanami lokal i swoim nadpobudliwym zachowaniem narobił sporo zamieszania na ulicy. Wkrótce piosenkarz trafił na domową imprezę, gdzie zaaplikował sobie zbyt dużą dawkę heroiny i wyciągnął kopyta... Ale, show must go on - zabawa trwała nadal. Co jakiś czas ktoś robił sobie zdjęcie ze zwłokami Allina, ale nikt na tyle nie przejął się obecnością trupa, aby zawiadomić pogotowie. Dopiero rano któryś z imprezowiczów zorientował się, że GG opuścił ten padół smutków i rozpaczy...Podczas pogrzebu otwarta trumna ukazała niezbyt ciekawy widok. Zgodnie z życzeniem zmarłego jego ciało nie zostało umyte ani odpowiednio do pochówku przygotowane. Nad bladymi, brudnymi zwłokami unosił się typowy dla Allina smród kału, a koło niego spoczywała butelka whiskey. Ponadto wielu przyjaciół żegnających GG wpychało mu do ust różnego typu narkotyki i wlewało alkohol. Publikację tego zdjęcia sobie darowaliśmy, ale dla upartych jest ono do znalezienia w sieci.

Dzieło mesjasza prawdziwego rock`n`rolla żyje w pamięci największych jego fanów, którzy regularnie dewastują grób swojego idola lub traktują miejsce jego pochówku jak latrynę. GG byłby z nich dumny! (coldseed -

Kevin Michael "GG" Allin (born Jesus Christ Allin, August 29, 1956 – June 28, 1993) was an American punk rock singer-songwriter, who performed and recorded with many groups during his career. GG Allin is perhaps best remembered for his notorious live performances, which often featured transgressive acts, including coprophagia, self-mutilation, and attacking audience members. AllMusic has called him "the most spectacular degenerate in rock & roll history."

Although more notorious for his stage antics than for his music, he recorded prolifically, not only in the punk rock genre, but also in spoken word, country, and more traditional-style rock. His extremely politically incorrect lyrics, which often covered subjects such as misogyny, pedophilia and racism, polarized listeners and created varied opinions of him within the highly politicized punk community. When questioned about his music and concerts, Allin often replied that he was trying to make rock music "dangerous" again.

Allin's music was often poorly recorded/produced, given limited distribution, and was met with mostly negative reviews from critics. Despite these factors, Allin maintained a cult following throughout his career, and a fanbase that has greatly expanded since his death. Though Allin promised for several years before his death that he would commit suicide onstage during one of his concerts, he died June 28, 1993 of an accidental heroin overdose.

Allin was born Jesus Christ Allin at Weeks Memorial Hospital in Lancaster, New Hampshire, the younger of two sons to Merle Colby Allin, Sr. and Arleta Gunther. He was given this messianic name because his fanatical Christian father told his wife that Jesus Christ himself had visited him, and told him that his newborn son would be a great and all powerful man in the vein of the Messiah.

His older brother, Merle Colby Allin, Jr., was unable to pronounce "Jesus" properly and kept calling him "Jeje", which became "GG". The family lived in a log cabin with no water or electricity in northern New Hampshire. Allin's father, who forbade all conversation in the home after dark, was a religious fanatic and an antisocial man, and was physically abusive towards his wife and children, though GG himself never publicly stated that this caused any of his later personal troubles. At age 12, Allin contracted Lyme disease and claimed to have never fully recovered from the effects of having the disease at such a young age.

In 1961, Arleta filed for divorce from Merle Sr., as his mental instability was worsening. GG Allin and his brother were from that time raised by their mother and stepfather, and settled in East St. Johnsbury, Vermont in 1966. Arleta changed her younger son's legal name to Kevin Michael Allin on March 2, 1962 during his first year of schooling. Arleta had allowed his birth name to stand until this point, and finally changed it in order to give her son a chance of a mockery-free childhood.

Allin was a poor student at school, being placed in special education classes and having to repeat the third grade. According to his older brother, Allin experienced bullying by fellow students due to not fitting in. In his sophomore year of high school, he began attending school cross-dressed, which he said was inspired by the New York Dolls. When asked about his childhood, GG has been quoted as saying "Very chaotic. Full of chances and dangers. We sold drugs, stole, broke into houses, cars, etc. Did whatever we wanted to for the most part - including all the bands we played in. People even hated us back then."

In 1976 GG was accepted to Ringling Brothers Clown College in Sarasota, Florida. He attended the school for one year but didn't graduate.

GG Allin's earliest musical influences were 1960s British Invasion bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Dave Clark 5, and The Monkees. In the early 70s, Alice Cooper became a large influence on Allin. Allin's earliest recorded musical endeavors were as a drummer. In his mid-teens, he and his older brother Merle formed their first band, Little Sister's Date, which lasted a little over a year. The group covered songs by Aerosmith, KISS, and other popular hard rock bands of the time period.

Allin graduated from Concord High School in Concord, Vermont in 1975, and shortly after formed the band Malpractice with several high school friends and Merle Allin. He was the drummer for Malpractice until the band separated in 1977. He became the drummer for the band Stripsearch, writing and performing the songs "Galileo" and "Jesus in New York".

From September 1977 to April 1984, Allin performed as frontman for The Jabbers, in which he played drums and performed vocals. Allin's 1980 debut album was Always Was, Is and Always Shall Be. Allin was a punk rock frontman akin to Iggy Pop and Stiv Bators who played music that was catchy, a danceable mix of power pop and hardcore punk. The lyrical content was often brash yet humorous, and was not yet outrageously offensive. At one point, industry veteran and The Dead Boys producer Genya Ravan managed him. Tension within The Jabbers mounted as Allin grew uncontrollable, uncompromising and vicious.

The Jabbers disbanded and parted ways. Allin's drug use started during this period. Allin fronted many acts during the early to mid 1980s. This includes albums from The Cedar Street Sluts, The Scumfucs in 1982 and The Texas Nazis in 1985. Allin remained in the underground hardcore scene yet was not part of the east coast hardcore scene. His performances in Manchester, New Hampshire with the Cedar Street Sluts earned him the nickname of "the madman of Manchester."

Allin gained wider attention with the Reachout International Records (ROIR) cassette-only release of Hated in the Nation (1987) containing tracks from Allin's out-of-print catalogue with The Jabbers, The Scumfucs and Cedar Street Sluts. The tape also featured several in-studio and in-concert recordings with an all-star band assembled by producer Maximum RocknRoll and early Allin patron Mykel Board. This band featured J Mascis of Dinosaur Jr. on lead guitar and Bongwater record producer/musician Mark Kramer on bass.

By the mid to late 1980s, Allin was addicted to heroin and alcohol and generally abused any intoxicants provided to him, sometimes taking pills without even asking what they were. His hygiene was atrocious and he rarely bathed. At this point, Allin also began eating laxatives before performances - as defecation was becoming a regular stage act. Allin described himself as "the last true rock and roller". By this, he meant that rock and roll music itself had started as an embodiment of danger, anti-authoritarianism and rebelliousness but had become largely taken over by corporations and business concerns. Allin's music and performances were thus meant to return rock and roll to what he saw as its roots, reclaiming it from the corporate system.

Allin idolized country music legend Hank Williams, Sr, and saw himself as a kindred spirit. Both were relative loners and outsiders, both were habitual users of intoxicants, both lived with few, if any, possessions and both traveled the country relentlessly. GG Allin's acoustic output, documented particularly on the EP The Troubled Troubador, was heavily influenced by Williams. He recorded his own rewrites of Hank Williams, Jr.'s "Family Tradition" and David Allan Coe's "Longhaired Redneck", calling his own versions "Scumfuc Tradition" and "Outlaw Scumfuc" respectively. Later, Allin also released another country album Carnival of Excess; this is probably his most professionally recorded and mixed album.

During this period, Allin collaborated with Bulge (also known as Psycho under a different name, on the album Freaks, Faggots, Drunks and Junkies), The Aids Brigade (the 7" EP Expose Yourself To Kids) and The Holymen (You Give Love a Bad Name).

Allin also began performing many spoken word pieces. Video footage of these are available but rare. Unwilling to seek steady employment, Allin supported himself by selling his own records. He also claimed to have committed criminal acts such as breaking and entering, robbery and mugging. Allin was also fascinated with serial killers. He wrote to and visited John Wayne Gacy in prison a number of times and Gacy painted a portrait of Allin, which became the album cover to the soundtrack of the film Hated: GG Allin And The Murder Junkies (see murderabilia). When asked about Allin, Gacy said: "G. G., Great kid - love'em to death - but if he doesn't stink like the worst pissy-ass wino."

By this point, Allin's performances, which often resulted in considerable damage to venues and sound equipment, were regularly stopped after only a few songs by police or venue owners. Allin was charged with assault and battery or indecent exposure a number of times. His constant touring was only stopped by jail time or by long hospital stays for broken bones, blood poisoning, and other physical trauma.

Another attraction to Allin performances was his continual threats of suicide. In 1988, Allin wrote to Maximum RocknRoll stating that he would commit suicide on stage on Halloween 1989. However, he was in jail when that day came. He continued his threat each following year but ended up imprisoned each following Halloween. When asked why he does not follow through with his threats, Allin stated, "With GG, you don't get what you expect—you get what you deserve." He also stated that suicide should only be done when one had reached his peak, meeting the afterlife at his strongest point and not at his weakest (see jump the shark).

In late 1989, Allin was arrested and charged with rape and torture of a female acquaintance in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Earlier in the year, he had been signed by Enigma Records who later dropped him in light of these groupie beating rumors. Enigma had a distribution deal with EMI/Capitol at the time and was for all intents and purposes a major label.

In a psychological evaluation made as part of the trial, Allin was judged as having at least average intelligence, and was described as "courteous, cooperative and candid". The unnamed evaluator noted Allin did not appear psychotic, and seemed comfortable with his unorthodox lifestyle. However, the evaluator asserted Allin did have behaviors consistent with masochism and narcissism, and displayed symptoms of borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder.

Allin initially denied the charges, claiming that the woman was a willing participant in their sexual activities. Allin admitted to cutting her, burning her, and drinking her blood, but insisted she did the same thing to him. Allin also claimed that inconsistencies in the woman's statements to authorities supported his assertions. The judge in the case agreed there were substantial inconsistencies in the woman's account. Ultimately, however, Allin plea bargained to reduced felony assault charges, and he was imprisoned from December 20, 1989 to March 26, 1991.

After his release from prison, Allin skipped parole to go on another tour, footage of which was shot for Todd Phillips' documentary Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies. The film contained graphic scenes from a performance Allin gave at an East Village, New York rock club, Space at Chase. Allin stripped naked, defecated on the floor, wiped his feces on himself and threw feces into the audience. Allin broke a woman's nose and assaulted several other people in the crowd. Clips were included from other Allin appearances, as well as interviews with Allin, his band, and their fans. The film came out in 1994 and was released on DVD in 1997.

During the 1990s GG Allin recorded his Murder Junkies album released by New Rose Records and featuring the band ANTiSEEN. This album contained ten musical tracks and ten spoken-word pieces. Other than Freaks, Faggots, Drunks and Junkies, Allin considered this album to be his most polished professionally recorded album that explored his persona and stated his philosophy on life. It was also during this period that Allin recorded the War In My Head - I'm Your Enemy album released on Awareness Records and featuring the band Shrinkwrap. This particular album consists of one 45-minute track that is a collage of spoken-word pieces which Shrinkwrap put to music.

Meanwhile, Allin's growing notoriety led to appearances on various television shows: Geraldo, The Jerry Springer Show and The Jane Whitney Show. At the time of his death, Allin was making plans for a spoken-word album. He also mentioned a somewhat unlikely European tour, enthusiastically talking about it in the hours before his death.

It was during this time in prison that Allin began feeling re-energized about his life and "mission", as he put it. He wrote and published The GG Allin Manifesto (1990) during this period.

GG Allin's last show was on June 27, 1993 at a small club called The Gas Station, a punk venue located inside of a former gas station at 194 E 2nd Street in Manhattan. During the second song, the power went out, after which he trashed the venue, walked across the street entirely naked, and then continued on (now wearing shorts, but still covered in blood and feces) through the neighborhood, followed by a large group of fans.

After walking the streets for several hours, Allin eventually went to the apartment of John Handley Hurt and Dwanna Yount at 29 Avenue B in Manhattan. There, he and others continued to party and use drugs. Sometime during the evening, Allin ingested large amounts of heroin, on which he accidentally overdosed and slipped into an unconscious state. Those in the apartment posed for photos with Allin around 2 A.M., not realizing that the musician was already in the early stages of respiratory failure.

One fan at the scene later told police that he was snoring at the time the pictures were taken, leading the others in the apartment to believe he had fallen asleep.

Sometime in the early morning of June 28, Allin died from the effects of his accidental heroin overdose. He was 36 years old.

The next morning, some noticed that Allin still lay motionless in the same place where they had left him and called for an ambulance. Allin was pronounced dead at the scene.

There were two wakes for GG, one was a traditional Irish wake and the other was his rock and roll wake, according to GG's mother Arleta. At his funeral, Allin's bloated, discolored corpse was dressed in his black leather jacket and trademark jock strap.

He had a bottle of Jim Beam beside him in his casket, per his wishes (openly stated in his self-penned acoustic country ballad, "When I Die"). As part of his brother's request, the mortician was instructed not to wash the corpse (which smelled strongly of feces), or apply any makeup.

Allin's funeral became a wild party. Friends posed with the corpse, placing drugs and whiskey into its mouth. As the funeral ended, his brother put a pair of headphones on Allin. The headphones were plugged into a portable cassette player, in which was loaded a copy of The Suicide Sessions. The video of his funeral is widely available for purchase, and is an extra feature on the Hated DVD and some bootleg VHS tapes. Allin was buried in mother Arleta's plot beside his grandparents.

As of some time late 2009, GG Allin's headstone went missing from his grave site. How it disappeared is unknown. The base of his grave marker is still there. (wikipedia)

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