Le Plastique Mystification - In The Land Of Melancholy (2000)

Le Plastique Mystification to ukraińska grupa artystyczna, która osiadła i tworzy w Polsce angażując do współpracy także rodzimych twórców. Ich muzykę charakteryzuje zwiewność, wielobarwność i klimat tajemniczości unoszący się gdzieś w powietrzu. To idealna propozycja dla romantycznych sentymentalistów, którzy w deszczowe dni siedzą z nosem przy szybie obserwując płynące po niej krople. Ambientowe pejzaże uzupełnione o dźwięki gitary akustycznej wprawiają w zadumę i trudno się dziwić skoro sama płyta nosi nazwę "In The Land Of Melancholy". Tutaj czas jakby zwalnia swój bieg, obrazy tracą kontury, a rzeczywistość nagina nam się niczym łyżka w Matrixie. W zasadzie klimat płyty pozostaje niezmienny bowiem wypełniają ją pejzaże dźwiękowe i ballady wyśpiewywane to przez męskie, to przez żeńskie głosy, którym poddajemy się bezwiednie. Gdybym miał się silić na porównanie to wskazałbym na The Legendary Pink Dots jako muzycznych braci zespołu Le Plastique Mistification. To ta sama melancholijna oprawa dźwiękowa, niespieszne klimaty i poczucie obcowania z autentycznym pięknem. Wydaje sie, że to właśnie jest głównym celem tej grupy - odkrywanie piękna. Przypomnia to pracę rzeźbiarza, który tworząc pozbywa się niepotrzebnych elementów, kawałków kamienia zakrywających istotę rzeczy. Taką też pracę wykonuje ten zespół, który śmiało może konkurować z artystami z najwyższej półki. Ich ballady są tak przejmująco piękne i tak urzekające, że aż nadstawiamy uszu by wyłowić drugoplanowe dźwięki i słowa, które pozwolą jeszcze lepiej zrozumieć zamysł twórców, jeszcze lepiej uchwycić tę muzyczną sztukę.

Tutaj nie ma miejsca na chłodną kalkulację, tutaj nie potrzebne są przyrządy geometryczne bowiem dźwięki zawarte na tej płycie wymykają się takiej klasyfikacji i pozostają zrozumiałe tylko dla tych, którzy słuchają ich sercem i duszą. Warto zapoznać się z tym nietuzinkowym zespołem nie po to by brylować w towarzystwie, nie po to też by kreować się na snoba lecz po to by poznać odpowiedź na pytanie czym jest piękno w sztuce. --- Jakub "Negative" Karczyński

Muzyka działającej w Polsce ukraińskiej grupy Le Plastique Mystification dowodzonej przez pochodzącego ze Lwowa VSV nie da się w prosty sposób sklasyfikować. Płyta "In The Land Of Melancholt" nagrana z towarzyszeniem wielu muzyków sesyjnych (w tym Sebastiana Madejskiego z warszawskiej dark-folkowej formacji Beltaine a także Natana "Givi" Europetsu) oparta jest oczywiście na psychodelii i ambiencie - ale określenie tegoż materiału jako tylko takiej było by zbytnim uproszczeniem. Każdy z dziesięciu utworów jest inny i tworzy swój własny, odrębny klimat, chociaż cała płyta dzięki umiejętnej aranżacji robi wrażenie spójnej. LPM łączą także różne, pozornie nie pasujące do siebie brzmienia i to niejednokrotnie w obrębie jednego utworu np. delikatne granie gitary klasycznej z wmiksowanymi rozmowami w różnych językach, brzmienia jazzowe z dźwiękami przyrody i delikatnej elektroniki... Poza tym płyta też pełna jest nastrojowej melorecytacji, niejednokrotnie szeptem i niejednokrotnie głos i słowa są tu raczej instrumentem muzycznym wspomagającym swoisty trans, jest tu też trochę psychodelicznego rocka w klimacie Pink Floyd. Mi osobiście podoba się na tej płycie to, że psychodelia jest tu zagrana w sposób melodyjny i strawialny - płyty, mimo, że nie jest to prosta muzyka. Słucha się jej w każdym razie bardzo dobrze a zwłaszcza wieczorem przy zgaszonym lub przyciemnionym świetle, wtedy czas płynie inaczej... To wielka sztuka zagrać trudną muzykę w ten sposób a grupie Le Plastique Mystification na krążku "In The Land Of Melancholt" się to udało doskonale. --- V.Ziutek

Vladimir “VSV” Surmach, together with Maxim “Max” Vasilenko and Alex Lugin founded Le Plastique Mystification Group (LPMG) as artistic performance group since 1986-87.

The first decade of this activity had a beginning in Lwow (Ukraine), where in80 y after the “controversial and danger”, by the meaning of political USSR authority, performance of Le Plastique Mystification, the band was criticized and named “anti-Soviet” immoral and sick, because of the political direction propagandized in the texts of their songs and radical attitude. The first performance in new opened rock-club in time of Perestrojka in Lwow, became in grand scandal and prevent the possibilities of the legal activity in future. This group was simply notified by the authority and get on the “black list” of the forbidden groups #1. All people who’s posses the MC tape from this performance received the order from KGB by “own good will” to return “this pornographic and brutal material” to the authorities.

Except recordings in a home studio and few performances, the activity of the group was distinguished, and the group existed in a total underground- only on the tape copies or handmade magazines that were written on the print-tape machines in that times… From this period of time to exist only one documentation- this material was fixed on the first CD of Le Plastique Mystification “First Decade/ Sessions in Lwow” 1986-88. This album includes two parts. The first is studio session, where together with members of LPMG plays well known in Lwow, pioneer of electronic music in Ukraine, genius keyboardist Jury Kavida, who tragically died by suicide few years later. The second part includes scandal performance, which is described in the beginning of this article.

So Vladimir and his friends, Maxim Vasilenko and Alex Lugin, the members of Le Plastique Mystification, began to search other opportunities of realization; it was appeared in a many closed performances on the private apartments or deserted places, which were fixed and documented only as the slide films. Later it has developed into the artistic avant-garde exhibitions, and slide films movie, that served as a basis of films to which music was necessary too.

Soon the group has broken up, Maxim and Alex were going to Moscow, and Vladimir has devoted itself to abstract painting, photography and poetry…

In the next few years he cooperative works with friends from St. Petersburg, and Moscow, avant-garde artists, Vladimir Yaremenko, in “Babilon” group, Tim Gadaski, work in the same cultural space and was in contact with well-known avant-garde artists from Moscow as Pavel Peperstain, Jury Ledermann, Illia Kabakov, Nicolaj Filatov, German Vinogradov, it was a very constructive work, appeared in anti-Soviet actions, exhibitions and also mail art… Later Vladimir Yaremenko and Vladimir Surmach met in one oppositional meeting in a private apartment of Eugenia Debranskaja- one of the founders’ organization Doverie Marino Busdachin from Roma, and became the members of Italian Transnational Radical Party.

Also they enters in democratic dissidents’ organization “Dovierie” and again becomes a target of KGB and other similar “institutions”… In this time artists brings together to the open expressing the protest against Communistic authority, which life comings to the end. At this time situation becomes so hard and extreme because of prosecutions of the KGB, that Vladimir Yaremenko and many other artists are compelled to illegally leaving the country and to asking a political asylum abroad. In that times many forcing searches occurs in the private apartments of such artists, with the confiscation of the materials, works and even books. Many of this people were in danger of the arrest, situation was dramatic and intolerable, soon Vladimir VSV Surmach also leaving the country and stays in Denmark, until the former USSR was fall and Ukraine became independent state. Known a Post –Soviet reality he tries to continue his art activity by making many exhibitions of abstract painting in Denmark. And only when the Ukrainian Ministry Of Internal Affair gave official guarantee at 1994 for Danish authorities that he don’t be pursued for political convictions, he decided to visit Ukraine.

He return to the idea of making music, after 7 years, when he going to the Poland, where with his old friend from Lwow, Oleksa “Vagif” Pavuck (bass), who was a member of “Performance Group” founded by Vladimir Surmach simultaneously with “Le Plastique Mystification”, and Tomasz Michal Trambinski from Warsaw (who play on the keyboard), began to compose music in small underground studio for the own slide movies and performances of other artists.

Gradually creating of this music begins to dominate above all rest artistic activity, and this project began to extend…That begins a second decade of the group Le Plastique Mystification…

In home studio were creating and recording the first new tracks, in which participated the musicians from the different countries as Poland, Ukraine, Denmark, and Canada. That material was fixed as CD album “Second Decade/ Sessions in Warsaw”1996-97

In 1996 y to the group is joining Alexandra, young and very expressive artist who’s finally finishes an image of the group. In a 1996-2000 group actively cooperating with Vladimir Yaremenko (“Naked Poetry” movement), Andrew De Klerk (Denmark), Yuri Yaremtchuk (Ukrainian avant-garde saxophonist), Maria Zakharova (cult poetess and singer from Lwow) and many other Polish, Danish, Russian and Ukrainian musicians. Group actively concerting, participate festivals of alternative music and simultaneously continue work in they home studio “Kundalini Recording Studio” that makes they well known in the Polish Underground Scene. In 2000 y the most famous underground polish label “OBUH Rec.”, which known around the world from cooperation with such well-known artists and cult groups as Current 93, Column One, Genesis P.Oridge, Over The Seventh Mountain, The Spear, Latarnia and etc., published CD-s of Le Plastique Mystification, “Le Plastique Mystification presents Maria Zakcharova “Engine Of Reality” and “In The Land Of Melancholy”.

Until 1999 y. Le Plastique Mystification increase artistic activity – play many concerts, participate international festivals (look site chapter with this kind of activity). (...)

Also was established contact with contemporary composer Artemiy Artemiev – founder of one of the most well-known electronic music label in the world - Electro Shock Records and son of Edward Artemiev - famous composer and the pioneer of electronic music. He help as to introduce our music on Russian Radio and help in promotion our music in Moscow. Actually in this period was finished work in Kundalini Rec with solo album by Alexandra – which got a title Le Plastique Mystification Related Project – Alexandra Yaromova “Common Things”, but finally this job was ends only in 2002 and art project for album was created in year 2005. Such many efforts of different musicians and artist was close the second decade of Le Plastique Mystification activity. The final concert together with Alexandra was performed in JazzGot Club 17.05 2002

In summer 2002 Alexandra decide to go in France where she got possibility to continue her art education and he start her brand new own project with france musician which she calls Olectricity.

The trithen decade was started very active. VSV and Vagif O Pavuck was strongly involved in collaboration with the big circle of Polish musicians who play “new improvisation music”. It’s refer as to area electro-accustic music,Minimal ambient, free jazz, post avangard, experimental, post industrial, post rock and even noise scene in Poland and around the world. In this period we establish strong relation with lot of improvisation musician, artists of performance and heppining, play many concerts and jamsessions – most of them was recorded on video as documentation – access for this materials permited on the links for concerts on this site. During few years we corporately works with India Czajkowska – creative female musician, composer and singer – we play as Le Plastique Mystification few concerts in Jazgott Club, later Vagif O.Pavuck more concentrate on improvisation live projects with different Polish musician and VSV play the last concert – jamsession in Jazzgott 09.12.2002 and later concentrate attention on studio projects.

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