Between or Beyond the Iron Curtain - Rare Grooves From Eastern Europe 1967-1978

Na całym świecie jednymi z najbardziej poszukiwanych płyt są polskie winyle jazzowe z lat 60-tych i 70-tych.Firma Crippled Dick Hot Wax! postanowiła zapoznać zachodnią publiczność choć pobieżnie z polską i czechosłowacką sceną jazzową z tamtych lat.

Ta składankowa płyta faktycznie obejmuje najciekawszych artystów jazzowych, min: Wojciech Karolak, Adam Makowicz, Laboratorium, Novi Singers, Zbigniew Namysłowski... Płyta okazała się hitem sprzedaży w Zachodniej Europie. Solidna lekcja historii.


Crippled Dick have done it again – and come up with another groundbreaking batch of lost grooves! This time, they're unleashing rare 70s tracks from Eastern Europe – obscure jazz and funk numbers that were cut for private and state-owned labels, most of which never got any distribution outside of the Soviet Block! The tracks are a mix of modal groovers, electric funky tunes, and some sweet breezy vocal sides with a wonderfully warm feel – and the documentation of the material is fantastic, so that you'll learn just as much about the music as you will enjoy hearing it. Titles include "Sextant" by Impuls, "Day In The City" by Wojciech Karolak, "Dancing Nuts" by Novi Singers, "Divka's Jablky" by Mahagon, "Bounty" by Gustav Brom, "Funky Dla Franki" by Laboratorium, "The Newcomer" by Karl Velebny & SHQ, "Sorcery" by Big Band Katovice, and "Quartett" by Hubert Katzenbeier Quintet. Out of print.

2 komentarze:

  1. Always a great moment when another Eastern Bloc music compilation comes out! Poland have been pretty good for film and music reissues from this era and while my tastes are more inclined towards the disco/electronic/experimental side of things, there are some great tracks on here - many thanks for the share Ankh.
