Rustic Hinge - Replicas (1970)

Jeśli kiedykolwiek było brakujące ogniwo w historii i rozwoju brytyjskiego nurtu psychedelic, to był to zespół Rustic Hinge. Oczywiście palce w tym zwariowanym pomyśle maczał nestor brytyjskiej sceny psychedelicznej - Arthur Brown. Ba - w tym wariactwie wzięli również udział muzycy z szanowanej grupy High Tide. Album nazywał się oryginalnie T On the Lawn for 3. Muzycy planowali wydać go w wytwórni Dandelion, Johna Peela, ale ukazała się dopiero w 1988 nakładem Reckless Records. Rustic Hinge to kompletnie popieprzona dawka muzyki - to jakby klony Captaina Beefhearta i jego Magic Band. Proszę zresztą samemu posłuchać tej kakofonii - nawet tytuł "Replicas" nawiązuje jakoś dziwnym trafem do tytułu najsłynniejszej płyty Beefhearta "Trout Mask Replica". Kompletna świrownia. W późniejszym czasie kilku muzyków z Rustic Hinge tworzyło składy kolejnego projektu Browna - Kingdom Come.

Android Funnel - Guitars
Pete Pavli - Bass, Cello
Drachen Theaker - Drums, Tablas
Bruce Longhorn - Mellotron (Side One Track 4)
Arthur Brown - Vocals (Side 2 track 2)
Tony Hill (High Tide) - Guitar (on track 1)
Simon House - Violin (on track 1)
Charles X - Drums (on track 1)

If ever there was a missing link in the history and development of British psychedelic music it is Rustic Hinge. 'Replica' belatedly issued by Reckless Records in 1988, displays an abandoned sense of discipline sorely lacking in UK music of the time. Originally recorded as 'T On The Lawn For 3', 'Replica' features the Rustic Hinge tapes before they were re-edited for planned release as a one-sided album for John Peel's Dandelion label. The tape given to Dandelion featured singer Rod Goodway on a couple of cuts and was an edited version of the 'Replica' material.

Essentially the work of Drachen Theaker and guitarist Andy Rickell (also known as Android Funnel), the Rustic Hinge material is undoubtedly an important find. Drachen recalls: "I found a foil in Andy because he could keep up with me. He's the only musician I've ever played with who could watch me and catch the beats. A lot of that Rustic Hinge stuff was me playing gibberish and him cottoning onto it very quickly and solidifying it as a piece. We had a deal with John Peel. It was signed, sealed and delivered as far as I was concerned and I thought, if it breaks, I'll come back. In the meantime, I left for LA." But 'T On The Lawn For 3' took almost 20 years to surface.

Arthur played a series of gigs with the embryonic Rustic Hinge, but audiences were left bewildered. Drachen: "The problem after I rejoined was that we couldn't find another organist so we couldn't go out and play like the Crazy World. We used to play with Android Funnel, Dennis Taylor and this idiot organist called Roy and it was a total shambles. Arthur would start singing 'Fire' and the band would play cacophony behind him. It was atonal gibberish with banal comedy thrown in and the fans hated it."

Finding the work of Rustic Hinge too close to Beefheartian musical wisdom, Brown moved a couple of miles down the road and began to work on forming his next project, Kingdom Come. Recorded at Jabberwocky Studios, Puddletown, Dorset in 1970.

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