Tomáš Dvořák - Samorost 2 (2006)

Tomáš Dvořák, znany również jako Floex, utalentowany czeski kompozytor, muzyk i grafik. Dvořák komponuje od 1996 roku, skupiając się na zderzeniu sztuki i muzyki. W tym czasie przyczynił się do powstania kilku kompilacji (Inform, Future Sound of Prague II oraz III reprezentowany przez takie wytwórnie jak Warp, GPR, Pork, Ninja Tune) i opublikował swoje demo „Hub” w Internecie. W 2001 roku wydał debiutancki album ”Pocustone”(jako Floex), wykorzystując takie gatunki jak: nu-jazz, electornic czy modern. Album zdobył wysokie uznanie w Czeskiej Republice; był także wydany w limitowanej edycji w samej Europie.

Jego występy są niezwykłym wydarzeniem, w których obok niepowtarzalnej oprawy muzycznej pojawiają się także projekcje wizualne, stanowiące integralną część całego koncertu. Tworzy to niesamowity charakter pokazów Dvořáka.

Floex aka Tomáš Dvorák, talented czech composer, musician and graphic artist. Floex has been playing and composing music since 1996 focusing on the collision of fine arts and music. In that time he has contributed to several compilations and released his demo Hub via the Internet. In 2001 he released his debut album Pocustone that bridges relatively isolated genres such as nu-jazz, electronic and modern contemporary music. The album was highly critically acclaimed in the Czech Republic and has seen tracks licensed and limited distribution throughout Europe along with Floex being asked to remix a wide range of well respected Czech artists. Art still plays an important role in the project with cover art by the man himself, among various other ongoing creative installations around the world. Catch him live for a musical insight and aural treat with visual projections making up an integral part of live performances.

Soon after that in 2001 he released his debut album “Pocustone” that bridges relatively isolated genres such as nu-jazz, electronic and modern contemporary music. The album containing live music was highly critically acclaimed in the Czech Republic and has seen tracks licensed and limited distribution throughout Europe along with Floex being asked to remix a wide range of well respected Czech artists, e.g. Ivan Kral, ZKA4T, Priessnitz, Monkey Business and The Ecstasy Of St.Theresa. Art still plays an important role in the project with cover art by the man himself, among various other ongoing creative installations around the world. Catch him live for a musical insight and aural treat with visual projections making up an integral part of his own live performances. A knack for art induced him to score musical soundtracks for a cult quest art-game “Samorost” and other projects by Amanita Design.(

3 komentarze:

  1. Has anyone played the game? Cool soundtrack!

  2. I was playing and it was quite difficult for me. Wihout tips which I've found in the network probably I will never finished the game :))
