Tori Ensemble - Five Directions (2008)

Tori Ensemble to trwający od 2007 roku efekt udanej wspópracy bardzo szanowanych artystów spod znaku koreańskiej muzyki tradycyjnej oraz  muzyków nowojorskiej sceny awangardowej. To kolejne, inspirujace spotkanie Wschodu z Zachodem okazało się harmonijnym i z pewnością wartym poznania połączeniem koreańskiej muzyki ludowej z zachodnią muzyką współczesną.

Yoon Jeong Heo - geomungo (zither)
Ned Rothenberg - clarinet, saxophone, shakuhachi
Erik Friedlander - cello
Satoshi Takeishi - percussion
Kwon Soon Kang - vocal, gong
Young Chi Min - daegum (flute), janggo (drum)

The Tori Ensemble consists of three extraordinary Korean traditional musicians and three renowned New York-based musicians. Based on Korean musical traditions, The Five Directions will offer a new musical world with interactive collaborations by a creative musical meeting of artists who specialize in musical traditions and cultures beyond Western classical music.

Tori mixes Korean and Western musical instruments to explore the great diversity and potential of Korean music, reinterpreted by artists who embrace both traditional Korean music as well as other musical forms such as jazz, in works that include both composed and improvised.

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