Apache Dropout (2011)

Apache Dropout to zasługujące na zainteresowanie amerykańskie trio pochodzące z Karoliny Południowej. Na wydanych przez siebie dotychczas dwóch albumach grupa częstuje słuchaczy sporą dawką energetycznego rocka garażowego w całkiem starym i dobrym psychodelicznym stylu.

Apache Dropout is a full on lysergic boogie trio from Southern Indiana who’ve self-released a handful of recordings while touring the sub-U.S. during the past couple years. Finally, their debut LP is here to catch you up with their three-minute-&-less anthems crafted of ‘60s epoch fuzz. With just guitar/bass/drums they channel soul melodies, primitive rock thump and blasted solos that are soaked in the dimethyl-trip of teenage visions (see songs "Sam Phillips Rising" and "God Bless You Johan Kugelberg" for that) and a few whifs of Tuli Kupferberg. Singer Sonny Alexander is the enigmatic howler /vocalist whose guitar swagger and melted riffs lead the way. Recorded by the band at their own Magnetic South Studio on all analogue equipment, they’ve used the studio-as-instrument to push these 11 songs into highly textured nuggets of punk art that follow in the wave of The 13th Floor Elevators, The Velvets, and Patti Smith Group. We’ve got no doubt, this is going to floor all ears in 2011. Album art and horn arrangements come by way of John Terrill (co-founder of the late '70s new/no wave Dancing Cigarettes) with engineering by Puppy Vs. Dyslexia knob-twiddler John Dawson and final audio polishing by engineer Paul “Z” Mahern, vocalist of the legendary Zero Boys.

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