Alessandro Bosetti - Zwölfzungen (2010)

Kompozytor, wykonawca i twórca sound art żyjący i tworzący w Berlinie, jeden z najbardziej twórczych artystów swojego pokolenia. Większość jego prac wykorzystuje muzyczne właściwości mowy ludzkiej i bada dźwiękowe właściwości komunikacji. Wychodząc od nieporozumień, błędów translatorskich i wywiadów, traktuje je jako metody artystyczne. Jego utwory rozmywając granice między muzyką elektroakustyczną, pismem dźwiękowym i performance, zaprowadziły go do takich instytucji, jak GRM/ Présences électronique w Paryżu, Roulette i Stone w Nowym Jorku czy Cafe OTO w Londynie. (bio/formy)

Alessandro Bosetti (Born Milano, Italy, 1973) is a composer, performer and sound artist currently based in Berlin.

Most of his works delve on musicality of spoken language and sonorous aspects of verbal communication. He utilizes misunderstandings, translations and interviews as compositional tools.

He has been presenting pieces for voice and electronics blurring the line between electro acoustic composition, aural writing and performance in leading venues as the GRM/Presences Electroniques festival in Paris, Roulette in NYC, The Stone in NYC and Cafe OTO in London among many more all over Europe, Asia and the United States.

One of the most innovative radio artists of his generation he created a vast body of work of hybrid, award winning, text-sound and radio compositions for the main Radio and Electro Acoustic Music studios in Europe, most notably for the historical WDR’s Studio Akustische Kunst in Cologne and Deutschland Radio Kultur in Berlin.

Most recently he was awarded the Phonurgia Nova prize 2012 for his composition “636″ (RTBF 2010) and the IDAF prize 2013 for his performance “Mask Mirror” an instrument and software that reorganizes speech for musical purposes enacting an electronic ventriloquism.

Since 2009 he started exploring repetitive speech-loop forms with his ensemble Trophies with drummer Tony Buck and fretless guitarist Kenta Nagai. Trophies has released three CDs and tours regularly. Further ongoing collaborations are with pianist Chris Abrahams (The Necks), composer vocalist Jennifer Walshe and vocalists Tomomi Adachi and Amelia Cuni.

As a concert composer he has been writing for ensembles as the Kammerenseble Neue Musik and Die Maulwerker in Berlin while upcoming collaboration include a project for the Janacek Opera house in Brno and a new vocal piece for the Neue Vokalsolisten Stuttgart. Renard, a  cycle of chamber pieces for guitar, clarinet and voice commissioned in 2013 by the Besançon museum of Contemporary Art has just been released as an LP by Les Presses du Reel.

Although being known in recent years mostly as a solo performer  past and present collaborations include musicians as Sophie Agnel, Serge Bagdassarians, Boris Baltschun, Günter Christman, Rhodri Davies, Michel Doneda, Axel Dörner, Annette Krebs, Peter Kowald, Giuseppe Ielasi, Phil Niblock, Enrico Malatesta, Renato Rinaldi, Christian Kesten, Bhob Rainey, Hankil Ryu, Otomo Yoshihide, Ches Smith, Taku Sugimoto, Taku Unami along with writers Charles Pennequin and Kim T’ae Yong and typographers Indre Kilimaite and Annette Stahmer.

Bosetti has published more than ten CD’s under his own name on labels as Errant Bodies Press, Monotype, Rossbin and Sedimental and many others in different collaborative settings.

Blow Up magazine has called Bosetti “One of the most anomalous and fascinating figures in the contemporary scene“,

Dusted Magazine “A rewarding, unique and surprisingly responsive encounter.”

For The Wire “Bosetti’s work has undjudgemental embrace, complex transvaluations and challenges our liberalism” .

Kurt Gottschalk writes on Signal to Noise : “There are, to be sure, degrees to which an artist can be called uncategorizable. To insist that a saxophonist’s quartet, for example, doesn’t really play “jazz” is one thing; to find something which is at once absorbing and indescribable is quite another. What Alessandro Bosetti is doing is truly new—and in an era of revisionism, that’s saying quite a lot.”

Bosetti’s  Cd Zwolfzüngen has been listed as one of The Wire’s best 15  outer limits cd’s of 2010. (melgun)

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