Don Preston - Filters, Oscillators & Envelopes 1967-82

Urodzony w 1932 r. Don Preston był kluczowym muzykiem w zespole Franka Zappy, Mothers Of Invention. Oprócz wieloletniego grania w zespole legendarnego muzyka, Preston współpracował z takimi artystami jak: Al Jarreau, Nat King Cole, Meredith Monk i John Lennon z Yoko Ono.  

"Filters, Oscillators & Envelopes 1967-82" to album z wczesnymi, solowymi i nowatorskimi eksperymentami Prestona. W skład jego instrumentów klawiszowych wchodziły syntezatory, które wynalazł sam Robert Moog, z którym zresztą muzyk się przyjaźnił.

Previously Unreleased Electronic Music From Original Mothers Of Invention Keyboardist.

One could hardly not see in Don Preston a key musician within Frank Zappa's oeuvre. He is not only that, but his presence has marked The Mothers' major records from 1966 to 1974. His touch was already there before the arrival of Ian Underwood, and it continued after Ian left. You all remember King Kong (its magnificence as interpreted by Dom DeWild) from the second Uncle Meat suite. A certain form of jubilation emanates from this track, thanks to Preston's fluid style and lightly astringent tone on the Moog synthesizer - that instrument never sounded quite like that before or after. This might have to do with his double training, his twin interests, since he had been simultaneously working with Gil Evans and listening intensely to Luciano Berio, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Tod Dockstader. Immersed in jazz music, he was imagining secret ties with the nascent electronic music.

In the mid-'60s, Preston started developing an electronic instrument, using a home-made synthesizer and a series of oscillators and filters. Out of this instrument came Electronic (1967), his first piece. Two years later, he became a close friend of Robert Moog, and their discussions gave birth to a number of applications in relation with the flexibility of the instrument. Nowadays, you can't mention the Mini-Moog without thinking of Preston. Bob Moog himself said about his solo in Waka Jawaka: "That's impossible. You can't do that on a Moog.". Filters, Oscillators & Envelopes features the other side, the hidden side of Don Preston: the composer of purely electronic music.

Don Preston: We're coming to the beginning of a new era wherein the development of the inner self is the most important thing. We have to train ourselves. So that we can improvise on anything: a bird, a sock, a fuming beaker. This is, this too can be music. Anything can be music.
Extracts from Uncle Meat, 1969, The Mothers of Invention 

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