Sgt Sunshine (2002)

I kolejny "monster", który chciałbym zaprezentować - grupa Sgt Sunshine. Praktycznie niewiele wiem na ich temat. Wydali chyba tylko dwie płyty (ostatnia w 2007 roku), ale myślę, że warto się zapoznać z tą pozycją. Wokal może nie jest zbyt olśniewający, ale w tej konwencji pasuje jak najbardziej. Grupę tworzą:

Eduardo Fernandez - guitarg ,vocal
Robin Rubio - drumas
Michael Mino - bass

I bet that everyone, at some point in time, has faced albums which offer absolutely nothing new to him as a listener and to their genre in general, but at the same time they are so enjoyable that you feel almost guilty for any bad comment that comes to your mind. The debut album of Sgt. Sunshine falls exactly into that category. We're talking, first of all, about a Sweden-based power trio which delivers a well-known mix of '70s heavy rock, acid-influenced improvisational jams and psychedelic atmosphere. Absolutely nothing new in here, BUT, I have to admit that this album has acquired a stable position beside my stereo and I can't find a way of putting it aside yet! Destined to find its place in the heart of all the '70s freaks of this planet, this is a release made from (and oriented to) dedicated fans of this music. (monolith)

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