The Wild Classical Music Ensemble - Musics in the Margin Vol. 4 (2009)

The Wild Classical Music Ensemble to belgijski  projekt muzyczny zapoczątkowany w 2007 roku przez Damiena Magnette oraz czwórkę niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie muzyków: Linh Pham, Johana Geenens, Rudy'ego Callant i Kima Verbeke. Wbrew pozorom ich twórczość nie jest kolejnym nudnym projektem społeczno-kulturalnym, przynosi za to potężną dawkę muzycznej ekspresji w klimatach punkowo-noise'owej improwizacji.

The wild classical music ensemble is a musical project launched by the association vzw.with in november 2007. Thanks to vzw.with, Damien Magnette, sound artist and drummer had the chance to meet Linh Pham, Johan Geenens, Rudy Callant and Kim verbeke, 4 artists with a mental disability. These 4 artists are working in different fine art media, but they also showed a will and talent to make music. 

Originally the band focused on free improvisation, sound and object experimentations tied together with orchestration signs and experimental music notations. Lately they have begun incorporating the punk/rock riffs from guitarist Kim Verbeke, broadening their sound into a free punk noise rock hybrid. After a several year trip in that formation, they welcomed Sebastien as a new member. He plays home made bass percussions and sings with great energy and inspiration. As a sextet, the band as developped a tighter, stronger energy and sound. 

The Wild Classical Music Ensemble is collaborating time to time with other orchestra. They've worked for instance with Spectra ensemble on a more contemporary music-oriented project. For this very special collaboration between classical musicians and self thaught musicians, the composer has devellopped a video-animated visual partitude.

The band gave concerts in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Spain and Switserland and is willing to go further!! (wildclassical)

1 komentarz:

  1. thx for posting and supporting such a cool project. I am a member of an anti-discrimination project with my wife, pleASE contact us if the guys are in London, there is a local group that I am sure would be in- terested in meeting up. We'll look up the group and make contact. thx for posting! GREAT BLLOGG!!
