Old Time Relijun to jeden z najbardziej interesujących i szalonych zespołów amerykańskiej sceny undergroundowej. Nagrywa dla renomowanej wytwórni niezależnej K Records, która wydała pierwszą płytę Becka, jak również nagrania Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Modest Mouse czy Microphones.
W muzyce Old Time Relijun jest sporo surrealistycznego ducha wczesnego Cpt. Beefhearta (nazwa zespołu pochodzi z tekstu jego piosenki) i jedynej w swoim rodzaju pierwotnej energii, która znajduje ujście na nieprzewidywalnych i świetnych koncertach.
Członkami grupy są Germaine Bacca na perkusji, Aaron Hartman na kontrabasie, Ben Hartman na saksofonach i wokalista Arrington de Dionyso, grający ponadto na gitarze elektrycznej i klarnecie basowym. (lastfm)
This could possibly be the most violent album Old Time Relijun has delivered. It's minimalist in a lot of senses, yet it's complicated as far as the horns go. De Dionyso makes his saxophone slither like a snake waiting to unleash its venom on an unsuspecting victim during "Manticore," whereas on other songs, such as "Fig," the sax sounds like a foul-mouthed bird chirping at passing worms. The multiple personalities of De Dionyso may make this a scary listen or try the patience of those unfamiliar with the band, but they can also appease the appetites of those searching for something besides standard rock. At times, the guitars expand and contract like rubber ("The Red Sea Anenomae"), while the chord progressions border on normalcy at other moments. Although the music is extreme and has some moments of abstract expression, overall, it is also not as experimental as later material like Uterus and Fire. As for the vocals, they are rushed in the way a dying person may speak if trying to tell a dear friend an important story before passing on to the other side. Of course, this music may already act as a preview to what lies beyond, or at least what might lie ahead for the future of music. (Stephen Howell)
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